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UPDATE : The Future Of Transcendent Translations! June 26, 2010

Posted by transcendenttranslations in English, General, Kizumonogatari, Updates.
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I know its been awhile since any of you heard from us…lets just say ALOT of things happened, one of the main setbacks was lack of communication with one of our translators due to internet service and PC problems, all in all I believe in the end it was his PC problems that had him down, reason being that 2 chapters of the Kizumonogatari novel with which were translated was lost due to a failed hard drive.

We’ll lets not draw too much upon that, I was seriously considering for awhile now to completely disband and shutdown Transcendent Translations, but little by little e-mails were coming in from concerned readers asking when to expect new chapters , sending their many thanks and forwarding us their encouragement to set back to work. That alone had a dramatic impact on me…well that and seeing how many visits a day we got with no content being posted.

So as you all have been so kind to us sending back your honest queries and comment I’ll like to be honest to you all as well, Transcendent Translations is in dire NEED of a English to Japanese/Spanish translator, I’ve tried consulting various blogs, forums and sadly either no one responded or they left us high and dry with empty promises. Currently (once again) we’re in need of “translators” on the team so if you or you know someone that’s interested in translating Japanese light novels /manga please send your interest to transcendenttranslations@gmail.com .

As for our group project with Lanove that to this day is a bit unconfirmed due to lack of communication with our contact :S